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What I learned today

Topics Insert Normal Mode and pasting from insert normal mode. Vim Commands <C-o> - Insert Normal mode - Perform one command then go back to insert mode. <C-o>zz - Don't leave insert mode and redraw screen placing the cursor in the middle of the screen. <C-r>0 - paste from the 0 register while in…

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What I learned today

VIM Capitalize a letter In normal mode highlight the letter and type vU . Command Line Copy folder cp -r /path/to/target/* /path/to/destination

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Using iOS Shortcuts App and Pythonista

Summary Purchase Pythonista for iOS. Create a script in the Shortcuts App to take in an input or inputs and save them as variable(s). Pass those variables into an URL action that will open Safari with the Pythonista url scheme. Create a Python script in Pythonista to receive those variables and…

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My First Blog Post

It's been a long time since I blogged! This blog will be dedicated to developer related thoughts and discoveries.

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